Shop Applied
Keystone Pipe Line Projects:
Automatic Coating completed over 100 spools and valve assemblies for TransCanada’s Keystone pipeline project.
U.S. Navy Louver Project:
ACL has coated over 3000 air intake and uptake louvers for the DDG class destroyers for the United States Navy. This represents over 18,000 linear feet of destroyer super structure utilizing our patented Tidal Coat, Dual Immersion Polymer system.
Field Applied

El Paso Pipeline Project:
Automatic Coating complete over 10,000 feet of pipe line rehabilitation utilizing ACL Pipe Line Services automated strip, blast and coating equipment. This project was completed in New Mexico.
Oil & Gas Pumps and Transfer stations:
Field coating of various transfer stations such as Gretna, Glenboro, Cromer, Souris, Langbank& ST. Leon
Pipe Line Integrity Programs
ACL has completed hundred’s of digs across B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. ACL pipe line services team has performed field stripping, blasting and coating. ACL’s highly qualified team includes NACE certified coaters and ACL is ISNetworld registered and approved.